Tuesday, 19 January 2016

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I’m Not a Professional Speaker, I Can’t Host a Teleseminar!

Oh but you can host a teleseminar even if you’ve never spoken in public before, and you should! I know you might be nervous when you host your first one and that’s OK. Be afraid and do it anyway.

I remember when I hosted my first teleseminar. The topic was ‘Don’t Waste Your Money on a VA’. In all honesty, I didn’t earn a penny from that call. What I did earn, however, was experience. Experience I went on to host many more. In the future I hosted teleseminars that made me hundreds of dollars at a time and teleseminars that got me an average of 50-200 new email subscribers per.

Just Trying Hosting One – You CAN Do It!

I want to just encourage you today to just try it. If you’re still reading then there’s a reason and it’s something you deep down really want to do. Hosting teleseminars can be very reward for yourself personally and your business bottom line.

If it helps, you can think of talking to just ONE person instead of a whole line full of people. Teleseminars are a GREAT way to get started if you are interested in public speaking as you don’t have to look anyone in the face and get caught with stage fright.

When I first started speaking offline I really wasn’t all that nervous, I credit that to the dozens of online events I hosted before I ever stepped on the stage.

One of my most favorite parts of hosting teleseminars and other events is the thank-yous and compliments I get after delivering information that only I can give to people who are ready to hear it.

Think of it this way: There are people out there waiting to receive a message only YOU can deliver. If you don’t get out there and share it then you are depriving them of your great services!

How To Get Over Your Teleseminar Hosting Fears

Here are some practical ways to get going:

    Interview Someone: Instead of putting all the attention and demands on yourself why not bring in an expert to interview. This can benefit your customers or potential customers. In the end you can even recommend their products or services for affiliate commissions if they have that setup.

    Get Interviewed: If you want to keep the focus on your business then why not have someone interview you? Write up a bunch of questions and get a friend or colleague to read them for you. Easy Peasy!

    Take Questions: Maybe you have no idea what to talk about. How about taking questions from your customers or clients to answer on the call? Or, invite them to ask them during the call.

Those ideas should get you started!

I’ve taught many people to host their own teleseminars and worked with many clients. You CAN get over the fear and provide great events your potential customers will LOVE.

If you need help with the technical details to setting up your teleseminar then you’ll love the new product I’ve just released.

Check it out here: Teleseminar Hosting

Please let me know if you get your teleseminar up and running, I’d love to sign up!


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